

Questions Success
By Tiffany McDaniel

Is this the right time for us to try to love another when our hearts was broken....

When Know we have 1000 love, faith, and trust issue between the two of us....

Will we let our past relationship that we share with the wrong person ruin us...

Our will we continue to love one another an work on us being the best us...

Ask individuals people Will we also try to be the best positive, respectful, an best us.

Our will this relationship we are just being over these months become a bust of lust...

Will these questions ever be answered for the both us us....

Our will we come together an say now its time to get our mind out the clouds...

An work on our relationship, our way, on our time, and without judgment all the time...

Our past is our past be we will not let it control us this time around...

No more uncertainty rolling around in our minds. Let gamble on our love knowing we will be just fine...

This is our relationship we are building so as long as we are honest and true. I know that we will be just fine real love is on our side....
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