

Unveiling Lhazin's Heart A Symphony of Kindness
In my Lhazin's heart, a kindness reigns supreme,
A gentle spirit, like a soothing stream,
Her words are comfort, like a soft embrace,
Her smile a beacon, lighting up each and every space.

In every deed, her warmth and care extend,
To lift the weary and to be a friend,
With empathy that knows no bounds or end,
Her kindness is a treasure, on which we depend.

In my Lhazin's eyes, a compassion deep and true,
Ricocheting all the good she longs to pursue,
In her presence, my hearts find solace and peace,
Her generosity is a joy that won't cease.

Through every season, her grace shine,
A guiding star, in moments of bright or fine,
Oh, my Lhazin, your kindness so divine,
You bless my live, like a sunlit vine..

© TsheriLhaChan