

Comfort In the Rain
The reasons for my tears are as varied as the rain,
Hurting from heartaches, and losses, too much to bear.
Some buried in memories, so haunting and deep,
Which became a burden too heavy, to silently keep.
But in the gentle patter of rain, I found release,
As my tears mingled with drops, bringing me some peace.
The rain has washed away the stains of my shame and fear,
And In the rhythm of nature, I found solace near.
As nature weeps with me, in a silent refrain,
And my burdens felt lighter, washed clean in the rain.
Then in the downpour’s embrace, I felt so free,
To let go of troubles, and just let it be.
There was no feeling of shame
Or no need to separate my tears from the rain,
For both cleanse the soul, while healing the pain.
And in the union of tears and raindrops, I could clearly see,
The beauty of vulnerability, with my tears unseen,
Mingling with raindrops, in a wash so serene.
As it fall from the sky, and cascade down my face,
The line between rain and tears, erased without a trace.
So let the rain wash away, what you’ve kept inside,
And in its cleansing grasp, find a place to confide.
For sometimes, in tears, lies the path to healing,
Cause, our emotions are chained slaves to our thoughts and feeling,
But if you break the chain, and release it all.
Then you’ll find comfort in the rain’s gentle fall!!

© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo