

whispers in the garden
# symbolic saga
In a garden where shadows dance,
Beneath the moon's soft, silver glance,
A lone rose blooms, its petals pale,
Guarding secrets in a hidden tale.

A winding path, obscured by vines,
Whispers of forgotten signs,
Each thorn a barrier, each leaf a door,
To the depths where dreams adore.

Amidst the thicket, a murmured sigh,
Echoes of a lover's lullaby,
A heart once full, now bound in chains,
Yearning to break free from life's constraints.

The moon, a witness to the silent plea,
Casts a glow on a solitary tree,
Its branches reach towards the sky,
An ode to hope that refuses to die.

Through the veil of night, a shimmering light,
Guiding lost souls towards the flight,
Of freedom's embrace, a gentle caress,
In the garden where dreams undress.

But beware the thorns, sharp and keen,
For every rose has its unseen,
A story woven in petals fair,
A tale of longing, love, and dare.

So let us wander through this maze,
Where truth lies hidden in the haze,
And with each step, may we uncover,
The story told by the silent lover.
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