

Those days🌻
It's raining 🌧here
And I remembered my memories of grade 7😌....
Have so much to say,
As it was pretty like an heaven!!✨!!

Those were the days,🤗🤗
Which I can't ever get back.😌
Laughter🤣, cries😭, fights😈 and what not,
Was all, which, at present I lack!!😥

Stupid fights and silly fun,
Were all the days filled with.💞
If I've got to jot those all down,
It'd take me to walk the whole school's grith!!🏫

Got the messiest and the craziest class ever,🤩🤣
Ik, everyone'd say that even if they've got another🤭.
We always had that one teacher,👩‍🏫👨‍🏫
Who'd complain and say "Exams are near and you don't look like u even bother?"😂😂

I took scads of pens🖊, pencils✏ and erasers,
Which I hope are safe on the classroom floors...🐵
And if a buddy comes to take his things back from me,🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️
I'd calmly give an excuse, hoping that he'd not burst into roars🤷‍♀️🤣!!

Fantastic fairs🎊,annual functions💃🕺, clubs⭐, sports,💫
Gave us the chill🫂time with teachers and friends.
Recess and canteen t❤gether were our best pals,
And 'bout seminars, than it was a hall given to us to come out when it ends!!😂

Never ⭐but⭐ today, feels like,
It'd be more lovely if It'd have been lasted a bit long.😌😌
As I'd ve gotten more to collect,
And could be able to make this poem📖 to a song 🎵!!!

© @menthusiastic