

🫀 Heart


He was head over heels in love with her.
She sighs after taking a long breath...
He sobs uncontrollably…
As they try to break through the glass that divides them .

She knew she'll never find someone like him .
He knew he also had a part in this farewell.

They both aware of there actions,
yet to immutare,
to talk ,.
to connect,
to forgive,
and forget .

He knew no other person could fill the gap she'll leave.
She knew without him she'll never be the same .

They choose to part ways ,
not because of the mistakes
but because they choose to ignore
to dwell in the wishes of pressure and present,
then the heart .

© alfiya
idk it was so random but sometimes people don't need a reason to leave they leave when they have there fill ,
and when they had there goal fullfilled .