

Life on A'neiste
There are fields of sleeping flowers
That awaken with your look
No where have you heard of this
Nor is it printed in a book

There's sparkling brooks that rest until
You step upon its banks
That begin to burble and ripple
As it feels your thoughts of thanks

There are waves that lounge upon the shores
Awaiting lovers bared feet
That rush to tickle exposed legs
And still remain discrete

We have rolling hills that flatten out
Unless they're gazed upon
Then undulate and meander
Until your gaze is gone

There are colours that remain the same
Until they're viewed by you
Whereupon they burst in brilliance
In hues, to you, brand new

A world that comes alive with just
The simple observance
That flourishes and fascinates
With the proper reverence

This is the way my world exists
Unlike how things are now
There are myriad awesome marvels
That Earth's blueprint does not allow

Sharon Cunningham
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