

Moonbeam's Embrace
Moonbeam's gentle caress, in night's soft hue,
A whisper of dreams, woven in silver threads,
With tender grace, she weaves her silent view,
Over slumbering earth, where peace softly spreads.
In shadows' play, she paints her argent light,
A kiss so soft, it wakes not dreaming eyes,
Her touch, a lover's, in the calm of night,
Embracing all beneath the starry skies.
Like whispers soft that breeze through midnight air,
Her light doth dance on leaves with tender glow,
In quietude, she banishes despair,
Her silken beams through night's dark curtains flow.
Thus, in her soft embrace, all things find rest,
The moonbeam's gentle touch, in dreams, is best.

© poembyselly