

to: mr.cat 🍄
In the realm of souls, where heartbeats blend,
Lies a tale of a friend, a tale without an end.
A presence so sweet, a spirit so kind,
A gem in the rough, truly one of a kind.

He walks with grace, his laughter's a song,
In a world often right, often wrong.
His heart, an ocean, deep and wide,
In his goodness, he takes the world in stride.

May he meet a soul, as radiant as day,
A righteous beacon, to light his way.
One who cherishes, as he cherishes others,
A heart that speaks, when all else smothers.

A friend, a stranger, or a partner to be,
His essence is needed, as the sea needs the sea.
His wisdom profound, his soul pure,
Such rare beauty, there's no cure.

In him, a model, strong and inspiring,
A character so charming, endlessly aspiring.
The world is a stage, and he, a star,
Illuminating paths, both near and far.

Oh, what a marvel, to know such a man,
To see his journey since it began.
A secret support, a silent cheer,
A presence that's far, yet always near.

Though someday, I might have to leave,
In his heart, I hope he'll believe.
That he's cherished, admired, and held dear,
A friend in the shadows, always near.

So here's to him, a toast, a song,
May his path be right, his stride be strong.
For in this world, if truth be told,
He's a tale of kindness, a heart of gold.
- from: s.s 🌹
© s. 🎧⭑