

I want to marry a Poetess
Surely I will marry a poetess.
Mainly because she writes the sweetest love notes.
She will whisper the best luscious words to my ears.
And implant wise saying in my mind.

Heavens bless me with a poetess.
She will give me words of encouragement when I'm down.
She will feed my ego with clan praises.
She will ink away her rage and never insult me.

What's better for a wife than a poetess?
She won't be demanding , all she needs is a paper and pen.
She won't favor jewels but life lessons.

Who wouldn't marry a poetess?
She will never fight my mother, she will curse her anger in a notebook.
She will welcome house guests with sugar coating words.
She will put love notes along with my lunchbox.

God knows she is wife material.
She will deticate her best poems to me.
She shuts out reality with fantasies.
She is simply the best lover.

I really really want to marry a poetess.

@Beautyqueen5644 Instagram.

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