

CW : untitled ( glass in the meat )
CW : This poem contains discussion of cannibalism, and it contains religious imagery.


My dear, I grow tired of your need to cannibalize me
As in, I grow tired of your need
to make me into a cannibal.

I am so tired of the convincing myself to want to eat you, to want to devour you.
I am begging you.
I am BEGGING you.
I am no man-eater.

My dear, you are beauty, beauty, beauty
So, I am begging you to stop
Offering you-on-a-plate to me.

I wish you did not believe you had to do this, but believe me,
I know what it is to believe
that you need to be devoured to be savoured
or eaten to be loved.

It's not true. Perhaps that makes it hurt more
when you shove your wrist between my teeth like you're steak
and take it as a sign of cruel indifference
if I do not bite down.

It's not true. Perhaps that makes it hurt more when you cut yourself out like lamb and prostrate yourself before me like I'm God.

It's not true.
You are no steak. I am no God.

I am only, unfortunately, your idol
and I wish I was not.

© CarmeFormIhn