

Run away trains(fathers)

To your core I'm your daddy
after settling a score; that candy felt distasteful.
It'll be wasteful to be full while not enjoying.
Stressful I became; then fled
the scene without being seen.

Ashamed, embarrassed, harassed and caressed by poverty without property I was. I was a broken fool.
A stool without legs.
I never aimed to be blamed
why I brought you here
without a place? Rough was the cursed world melted larva problems I lived in.

So, you see son even in this poem you'll find loopholes, but behind the wind of my smile is kindness.
Never mind the selfish deeds I did when I was young, cause deep inside the track(heart) of the train reminds me how bind we are and how blind I was to leave you behind.

By:Melvey koka(the surgical poet) 10 Sep 2020
@Sonador(the dreamer)
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© Melvey koka