

Ohhh… I see!
You must mean me
I go by they
I told you that in May
You didn’t enjoy that
So I sat
I waited
And I debated
Fought myself for a while
I came to realize that I deserved better
But now I’m the bad guy.
I broke your heart.
I understand that you’re hurt, I truly do.
But that doesn’t make you a Mary-sue
You shattered, shredded, shot me down when I was trying to learn to accept myself.
Each sentence courses through my head;
Are you sure you aren’t doing it cause others are?
I don’t like it.
The uncomfortable looks;
For the first time my chest bound down.
That’s what I saw.
I feel bad,
I should be the one mad.
But I’m not
At least I gave us a shot

© Lil._.