


All that I have seen, a voice call out in the mist
Crying to the skies, hoping and praying for better days
Sitting in my room, looking at all that is doomed
Turn off this noise, time to open up my eyes

Questions with no answers, wars with no end
Killing with no reasons, feeling trapped in this season
Forever disguised in my mind
Searching for peace I cannot find

In the chaos and the pain
I long for a world without disdain
Where love and light shine bright
And darkness fades into the night

But until that day may come
I'll hold on to hope, not succumb
To the despair that clouds my view
I'll keep on fighting, strong and true

For in the darkest of times
We must seek the light that shines
And hold onto the faith within
That better days will begin

So cry out in the mist
Pray for a world where peace exists
And let your voice be heard
In the silence, your heart stirred.
© Nate