

The temptation,
Will I surrender to the crouching feeling,
In order to soothe my aching spirit,
Why is it that it is oh so appealing,
It seems that I am weak because I can't flee it,
The temptation,
It plays with my mind,
Telling me it is the only way to unwind,
Giving me a feeling so sublime,
Heaven and earth begin to intertwine,
Because I can't beat the temptation,
I walk the streets acting and feeling unscathed,
But deep down within guilt and shame I am bathed,
They told me it would only be a phase,
They lied to me and now that's something I can't erase,
I am faced with the temptation,
It comes like a firy sensation,
I give in to it to make my eyes reach dilation,
In my mind I feel different harmonious gyrations,
Even though it only lasts minimal durations,
I am prone to give in again to the cursed temptation.
© misteri