

Nature's Tapestry!

Those little speckles of dots in the sky,
I find myself standing still;
Looking at the spectacular array,
Amazed at the art of flying!

Now I find myself closely listening;
To the soft chirp of birds,
The sweetness it holds,
Mesmerizing my heart.

I sit inside, doors open to the veranda;
Marvelling at the gigantic trees!
Yes, it did teach me a lesson,
For if roots are deep , none can critique!

As the rays of the rising sun,
Dawn upon a new day,
I find people milling about within minutes,
Busy in their own way.

Not one has time to stand still,
To understand,
To analyse,
To enjoy, the beauty of nature!

We are still a tiny dot,
Never on par with nature's wisdom,
We've brought it's nemesis, failing to realise,
Nature will never house a materialistic world.

© WingedWord