

I'd Find You
My tail wags
and I pant
Ears chirp
It's you I see
In a yellow shirt

And there you go,
To the edge of the world
I follow on suit,
wear combat boots
Just to find you

And I'd never forsake,
Never leave nor take —
This for granted,
Granted you want me here
Do you want me near?

For I vow to leave behind
Magnetized by your shine
Like Ruth clung to Noami
Where you go,
You'll find me!

This pact is unmatched
And I'd unmatch every
faceless name
See them go,
Would you do the same?

I'd give an arm,
Maybe even a leg,
A storm nears but you're my calm
The Source rings our alarm
I'd jump through portholes,
Even skip dreams
Just to relive this scene
Again and again and again
Its You I want on repeat.
© JKeMac