

I'm speechless!
My heart is doing more talking than my mouth could.
But one thing I'm sure of is,

...to God
For blessing me with that little seed of thought
And for watering it to grow this big n' beautiful
For the supernatural help for the journey
Which I can't deny, God bless God for me!

...to all my co-sojourners
I never walked alone this past 365 days,
Some eyes followed me through each step, each day,
Reading every alphabet I put together to call a poem;
I might not be expressive enough but hear this open secret,
"I won't have pulled this 365 through without YOU!"
On most days, you're the reason I write
'Cos I know I'll be disappointing your faith in me if I don't.
Thank you for cheering me up at my lowest,
I draw my strength from God n' your support,
The likes, the repost, the feedbacks, the critiques...
We did this 365 together! The accolades are yours too.

...to the hub
My family! My people!!
The best thing that has happened to me this past year.
I looked back n' ... tears, tears of joy!
The gift of men, precious n' priceless!
The bond, the warmth, the laughter,
I found a home in the hub, I found LOVE!!!

...to ME!
A weeping face that puts a smile on other's
A weak heart that strengthens other to keep fighting
Thanks for not 'running mad' amidst the pressure
Thanks for faking strength while sinking
At least, now you've gotten to the shore
Help is coming boy!!!

© The dhramatikpen
#thedhramatikpen #the365wm #the365writingmarathon