

She's a Woman
She's woman, a woman who was heading to work, minding her own business, thinking about ger grind. As she walked she was grabbed, because someone had a plan to violate the first woman his urges felt for. She's a woman, a woman who wants to be free, she thought as she tries to wrap her mind around her current situation. She thought I'm a woman who wants to live, to live without the fear of being annihilated, humiliated, or the fear that her very existence will be terminated. She begs for her life, he just turns a smile, tears fall from her eyes, wondering why.

She's a woman who wants to be liberated, not laid to rest without living her best life. I ask the question, why hurt us? don't you realize, you kill the human race one woman at a time. We're not the enemy, so why target us and give us the death penalty. She's a woman, a woman who's suffering in silence, because some men feel they have the license to commit violence. There's no guidance for our woman, even with the many sirens, they still turn a blind eye, saying she'll be alright.

She's a woman, a woman who tried to escape, even as she was being raped. With tears in her eyes, she ask God why.
Her body was being violated by someone who's to protect even by a complete stranger instead he injected her with pain disrespected her being, neglected her cries, then said, he's satisfied. As she cried he stabbed her, she took her last breath, her last tear fell, her very existence terminated just because someone plan was to grabbed the first woman his urges felt for, when she was just a woman heading to work, a woman taking a walk, a woman who was justing minding her business, thinking about her grind.

© Theresa♥️♥️♥️fromthe♥️♥️♥️

#stoptheviolenceagainstwomen #writco #poem #broken #poetry #writcoapp #WritcoQuote #hurting

Inspired by a young woman who lost her life violently