

With a sprinkle of laughter,
a smirk here,
and anger there,
see others here,
physically and on the phone,
going through things,
life's worries,
being a happy mess,
not caring,
with no choice but to care.

Wondering with every contact,
how they attain such,
stained by the memories of my past,
it really is funny how I am not such.

Commiting the unthinkable,
life not worth living,
I tell myself,
is it worth dieing?

Trying to find the will to live,
create goals that will keep me geared up
ticking off my list,
tasks done up.

Future ambitions,
such achievements,
is that you i hear?
the audacity.

Still lost in my hollow self,
a true worthless life,
I seem not admit.

Pathetic am I,
can't even get a nine,
who am I kidding with my
goal oriented look?

Just like a fool,
I carry myself,
a showcase of my foolishness.

Blinded I really am,
silly I can really be,
for explain my I do not even know how to feel like those around me?
what really is good about me?

With my joke of a face,,
asymmetrical in nature
People talk behind,
whether they be a but closer,
or far,
who are they kidding?

the most hated creatures by me,
evil things they are
gallivanting in pride,
knowing they have struck again.

To use,
to manipulate
they deserve it all,
crushed my my wrath,
the sensation of revenge.

Why have I not become one of the dead,
my achievements looking funny
a mess,
communication not even the best,
as if I wasn't made to be here,
not even a single room for my rest.

A brocken toy
no toy maker can solve
and if there,
a toy maker did try,
it seems I was just a bit too brocken to repair

Washed away from the face of earth
crushed like the beds od the sea
forgotten like the cool breeze
I wish to disappear
as I seemingly can't fit in this world
© #milialate.4