

Walking down the path, same one as always, but today, for a reason unknown, I feel as though I'm not walking it alone. Not that I'm speed upon, or feeling out of place, but more as if I were walking with a friend, or lover, or an otherwise familiar face. Joy and a careless feeling overtake me, through and through, steps feeling lighter, with these thoughts of you. My memory fails, now and then, not today though, I can smell you in the air, and taste completely your lips, yet again. I can almost feel the caress of your fingers as they press against my chest, the gentle rub as your hands move up, and slide back through my hair. It's been too long, since your voice was near, filled with song, the confident air you have about you, of how I miss those days. Still I sit and wonder, why we allowed those to fade away. As the memory of you lingers, I walk further down the path, in the distance, I swear, I still hear that soft laugh, the one you always had for all my jokes, even when they weren't so funny, and when grab slightly at your sides, above your hips, you're laughter would tickle my ears as it flew on by. I still remember the light in your eyes, innocent, prominent and full of pride. you make me turn into someone so soft, when to the rest of the world, I'm stone, prefer then to just remain on my own. I shake the feeling as I return to the trail I walk, through the trees and to the clearing where for hours on end we'd lay and talk. All the nights we spent, stars as the only lights, as we looked into one another, I could have sworn I'd see your soul, only to be alarmed at this, thinking you'd seen mine, so cold and broke. Though, when I were with you, it seemed to mend me, make me whole, and anew. Now as I turned to look out over the water, there in the distance, stands you, and our daughter.
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