

the last letter
"You can still be the person you want to be, my love. Mistakes, setbacks and bad days do not erase your progress.

No matter how tough life might seem at the moment, remember that you are still rising despite the weight.

Bad days do not make you a bad person. Accept them as they come, let yourself feel and then learn from them.

A difficult time does not take away your growth - difficult times actually help you become the person you are meant to be. You are doing such a great job."

And just in case no one has told you this today, I’m so proud of you and everything you have endured and achieved.

I hope you know how worthy you are and how much you bring to the world.

I’m proud of you for not giving up, no matter how many times you’ve wanted to. I’m proud of you for choosing to keep going.

I’m proud of you for continuing to show up each day despite what you have been through.

I’m proud of you for taking steps to better yourself and your life lately and for finally showing yourself just how much you are capable of.

Your strength and courage is inspiring, and you should be so proud of yourself, too.

Conquer today darling like you've always had. At times as humans, we tend to define our days as being “good” or “bad”, by the way we perceive the things that happen to us.

It’s all about perspective dear so please don't set the tone for our day depending on our reaction to things— take it easy. Breathe.

It’s not a bad day, it’s just a small moment in the day. Shift your view, don’t let that moment hold so much weight of your day.

Notice the level of significance and energy you are placing on that particular incident. You hold the power, take control of your day darling— everything is actually okay.

and just remember if you're hesitating to do what you know is best for your life, just imagine how you'll feel next week, month, or year if you don't. Imagine and feel the pain of disappointment and regret. Use that pain as motivation. Now get after it!

and also remember,
if you want a perfect love, be the love you seek.
a better friend?Be the friend you seek.
Be the lover you seek, if you want to be loved
Be the honesty you seek, if you want honest people around
Be the integrity you seek in other to gain one
Be the patience you seek for other to have time to be around you
Be the tolerance you seek, if you want to be tolerated
Be the compassion you seek.”

Don’t over extend yourself. If someone doesn’t reach out, don’t invest energy there. If you sense a lack of interest, don’t invest energy there.

If you feel avoidance or hesitation, don’t invest energy there. You are exhausting yourself, let it go. You are valuable, deserving, and worthy— be cautious of where you direct your energy.

Don’t take their lack of effort or interest personal, it’s on them. Not everyone has the capacity to love and care like you do, it’s not your fault. Your energy is sacred, don’t limit yourself!

Don’t wait. Don’t put yourself on hold for someone else not even me. Don’t stop your progress for someone else. Don’t pause your momentum to wait on someone else.

Live life for you, with you in mind, with your aspirations and goals at the center— do it all for you. Time does not stop, it keeps going— you need to keep going too.

In the future, you will find yourself being thankful that you did not stay stationary waiting for someone to change or to grow. Everyone’s journey is different, don’t settle waiting on someone.

and remember...
If something is meant to be, it’ll be— things always happen the way they should. The universe is always working on things for you in the background— please keep going!

It's okay to start over. It's okay to go wrong & then do-over. It's okay to be scared & start at your own time. What matters is you don't quit. Right step will take you closer to the goal. A wrong step will make you smarter & then take you closer to the goal. It's all a progress!

Ever have the experience where the less you care about something, the more likely you are to get it?

When you are on the verge of losing patience, remind yourself, it is never too late. If it is meant for you, you will reach it. It won't pass you by. There will be blocks & their will be failures but they will lead you to the direction meant for you. Believe and keep walking.

I challenge you to take a moment each day to practice gratitude. Even on the toughest days, remember that you’re blessed to be alive. You have another opportunity to learn and grow. Appreciate the present and be grateful for all you have, big or small – it all counts.

Do little things for people. They will remember it for life. You don't realize how a simple, sweet smile of yours makes someone believe in humanity.

Little compliments can boost somebody's sense of self. You don't need something elaborate to make a difference. Little things Count.

When someone tries to trigger you by insulting you or by doing or saying something that irritates you, take a deep breath and switch off your ego.
Remember that if you are easily offended, you are easily manipulated.

Your environment plays a significant role in your behavior. If you're looking to change your behavior, examine your environment.

Ask: what is keeping me from changing my behavior, and how can I get rid of it? How can I alter my environment so it encourages my desired behavior?

its hard to burn your memory now that I have to leave you
because every perfect memories are still stacked up in my brain
take what's left of you and me and store it in your heart
because every empty picture frame of us now drives me insane

so I leave you this little piece of letter I wrote
that it may guide you on your path to finding a better friend and a soulmate, someone you can finally call home.
let this letter help you on your journey and let it also remember you of the love we once shared....

I still love you but good bye