

a poet's lover
a poet's lover is never less
she is romance, she is art
she's a goddess
and she actually looks the part.

a poet's lover is never just 'beautiful'
she would be the first light of the sun
shining through the windowpane
she would be morning glory lesser than none.

a poet's lover is never just 'enchanting'
she would be the full moon clouds
lingering upon the bright night sky
with its halo on trees and cicada sounds.

a poet's lover is never just 'wonderful'
she would be curiousity personified
her fingers would radiate rainbows
her voice would sound like a guide.

a poet's lover is never just 'breathtaking'
she would be a hellish storm
and wonders should lay upon her feet
people would go astray and bend the norm.

a poet's lover, she's never enough
for she will be more, she will be infinite
she will be hope and nature's blessing
her name would be immortalized, a wondrous feat.

© viaallune