

Life goes faster than we think.
Why is everything going so fast?
I am afraid, any moment can be my last.
It's not that I'm afraid to die
Just before end,
I want few important things to try
Will I get time to gather enough courage?
Will I get time to pass over all the regrets?
Will I create an extraordinary mark?
Will I be in light away from the dark?
Will I ever feel the breeze of relief?
Will my mind once be at ease?
Will I ever get time to open my heart?
Will I be able to change your world?
Will I get the time to make you laugh?
Currently, everything feels like falling apart
I just want to make many things right
I want to replace some dark past with light
But now I am afraid to blink
Life goes faster than we think.
© pramod yadav

#life #time #future #poetry