A grain of sand in a vast ocean of dirt
I have slept in the streets. I have wept with children who had nothing to eat. Been an advocate for the poor and misunderstood souls being counted out as no good. I am just one man, one tiny grain of sand in this vast ocean of dirt. Still I do my best to stand even when I'm hurt. You and me and she and he are one. Living for but a moment under the same sun. Some people they burn, some perspire, some can easily pass through the fire. We are all unique but everyone is the same. We all start as a spark and burn out like a flame. We are candles. None can last forever. Life is but an insignificant treasure. Which leaves my soul perplexed. There is no way to truly measure which life is more important that another. The world still spins on it's axis either way. Mortality is so fragile and complex. Yet so abundantly comes the next in a rush. We are nothing more than dust. Selfishly we over water and become a weed. Never knowing just who we can trust. Over decades we start to wilt and rust. Our physical condition we cannot trust. Only ever greater is our mind. Only Those who stop to listen can ever truly find blessings in the silence. Those who fancy themselves a little...