

Cindrella (Poem from story)
She was a poor girl,
Jumbled by family curls.

She was alone with her father
But became lonely when lost him too,
She lived with a cruel step mother
And had 3 burden step sisters too.

One day when Cindrella was moping the floor,
The prince's minister knocked the door
Invited all the country girls in the pride
To choose the prince's bride.

Every girl was blooming with a smile
Each was preparing for the nightfile,
Cindrella too was eager but got refused
It was 7 and still Cindrella was mused.

She had no clothes and no shoes
She was weeping her tears with tissues,
Then a miracle startled
And the Fairy god mother appeared,
She waved her wand
And cindrella reached the party land.

The prince was intoxicated in her charm
And her fake family was shocked with her warmth.

She was dancing with the prince
And now the magic was on a frince
As the clock ranged at 12.
She started climbing downstairs
And left her sandle behind.

Finding the bride by her shoe's pair,
The next day Prince came at her mare
The prince got his bride
And Cindrella welcomed her new pride.

© Aena