

The Immortal
© January 31, 2007
Write Naturally Publishing House
...a division of VAN Enterprises

The immortal appeared as a thin veil before our eyes. We could see yet, we could not. We could sense yet, we sensed nothing. Dropping to our knees, we touched our swords to the ground in deference to the Most Powerful One before us.

A wind gently blew across our shoulders as we became aware of an enveloping mist. Suddenly, there was no breath - no need to breathe. Air did not exist; The Immortal became our existence. The more we struggled, the calmer we became until, exhausted, we relented and allowed our souls to be filled by That Which Could Not Be But Is.

Time did not exist. Our senses ceased to be. Only The Immortal existed as it penetrated and took over the very essence of our beings. Our world became the viscous liquid of Those That Were And Yet Still Are. We drank eagerly of their knowledge and power.

Before we could become fully aware of what was happening, it was finished. We lay, spent and weak, yet full of power and vitality. The Immortal had infused in us the lives of thousands before us and thousands yet to come.

Time and experience changes all that it touches as The All-Consuming Power Of The Immortal itself changed our lives. The reality of our minds shapes our lives and tells us we will, in time, take The Immortal’s place in this precious sphere we call our minds. Hearken unto my words; it is the changes of time that replaces the reality of the moment.

All hail the power of The Immortal!

All hail the power of Ourselves!!