

The Dark year.
The cloud in our eyes has grown and Craft bleak lives.
Blown to fetter, no bond, home we are alone.

The love, joy, hope
Burning swiftly like a flaming sheet Ash and blown in a dark home of no clone.

Our fervor smites and pound,
Like an African drum
Played in a dark forest

Our journey is fettered,
institutions and economics are plod. Smiles fading away and
Our laughter is hidden in our belly

No one to share our love
No one to play with
No one to touch and hug again
We are now foes,
Mold to clad on mask from sensing.

Day and night passes,
The only song we hear is the balance siren
Police van dancing round the hood
And Tv playing the latest of pathogen

Every day we fetishize,
Staring from the window,
Watching the picture of colorful buildings and
Wind patrolling the main-road.

I thought, when will the world smile again?
Where are we going?

…Kenneth, Aka dgr8t ken

© dgreat_ken