

Elemental Force
Our hearts are like the ocean, with depths some just can't reach.
They gaze upon the surface, and stand upon its beach.
They take in the horizon, where the water meets the air..
And ponder on its vastness, as the wind blows through their hair.

Some are afraid to touch it, for fear they won't survive..
Thinking if they enter in, they won't come out alive.
Spending their life observing, they can't bring themselves to wade..
While wondering what they're missing, and why they're so afraid.

Some cast pebbles, one by one, to watch the circles spread..
Causing small disruptions, like the thoughts within their head.
An ever constant growing, as they impetuously await..
But soon the rings just seem to fade, then slowly dissipate.

Other's like to take a swim, and romp and play awhile..
Then once refreshed and satisfied, they walk away and smile.
But they'll only enter in so far, for fear that they will drown..
Or they will find an undertow, which will drag and pull them down.

There are those that skim along the top, in man made boats they own..
Never truly getting wet, and feeling all alone.
They have their rafts to save them, should the waves decide to rise..
They wear their life preservers, just incase they should capsize.

Many poise upon the shore, with rod and reel in hand..
Fishing for some nourishment, while standing on the sand.
Hoping for that special catch, one which they can display..
Coming home empty handed, because the big one got away!

© Derani