

A Rainy Day
The day was dark,cloudy and dreamy,
The stormy wind was never weary,
A strong blow with a sigh of relief,
But it was too much breif.
Just as the rain started to fall,
Forces of good and evil instantly clashed,
In circles and in twirls that darkens all,
Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed,
Face of some travellers became tensed,
Without umbrella some got moistened.
Some instantly took a shelter,
Seeing muddy road some blamed weather.
But it was a blessing for the farmers,
Fulfilling wish of many prayers.
Smile in face of many children,
Some opened arms forgetting all burden.
I came out in the balcony,
To feel the raindrops and the destiny.
Few drops touched my face one by one ,
Some touched the ground and got burn.
Some smiles ,happiness and some hates,
The emotional tears of the sky finally ends.
----- Shiladitya Mondal
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