

Thousand of offences,
that I had done,
no major grivences,
upto a month.

Walking without,
the ambition,
no major dedication,
what will give,
these creations
to me.

If I have a big dream,
then there is no time,
to spare it,
on these hymes,
these are only the,
very petty crimes.
I have to work hard,
again give a fresh start.

There is a lot of expectancy,
from me,
there is a lot of dependency,
upon me.
But then also,
you can't take it serious
everytime no one,
can be furious.

You should only be ,
curious for your dreams,
that give you only relief,
otherwise you will always scream.

Thousand of grivences,
that I had done,
no major grivences,
upto a month.

© yeshu Goswami