

"One Day"
One day!
Not just someday!
One day!

I prayed to the Lord God,
And he swayed the stars and the Moon for me,
And he said,
“I am coming soon-
For yooouuu!”

He is a Light of the Worlds,
That speaks so sweet for all,

And all the sky obeys,
Every whim to rid of dismays,
Every idea to heal the sick,
Every wish to save us all from,
Death after death!

The Lord God has said,
Time to open the gates of Heaven,
And bring in the souls,
With their Hearts and Spirits
Being redeemed,
Being saved!

Not men nor women!
Now Angels,
With wings of lightning gold!

The tales of the old,
Bring in my heart and soul
The way of life is The Way of Light,
And that history will repeat itself,
In every person's lifetime.


© Karen R. Hickey and her Angel...