

Sometimes we grow, we speak
our branches rattling
like the chatter of hollow drums

Sometimes we grow, we tell
with windy whispers,
softly reeling us to hum

Sometimes we fall back, we shout
the retching screams become
our tales

Sometimes we fight, we yell
cracking beyond where we we'd
set to sail

Sometimes we burn, we destroy
the wind weeping along
our nights

And sometimes we turn.
Strike the strings
we take to flight.

Like episodes, on repeat,
a cycle, we see to break
Running forth in turns
we move to routes we never
thought we'd take

And when it tumbles
we fall
thinking oh will we
ever fly again?

We wrap the skin
with feathers
shuddering without
the coolness of the wind

And when we rise
we stop
thinking oh are we
to fall again?

Barricading our thoughts
we speed, scared,
of everything
we'd stop to think

© M