

Underneath my bones
I have demons that dwell
I just secretly keep
them hidden well
Nobody was there
the night I fell
The night my soul
was awakened in Hell

Without warning my
soul was misplaced
And who I was
disappeared without a trace

With my insides
they have so much fun
And I'm certain their damage
can never be undone

I tried to lay them
down to rest
But I'm still burning
from inside my chest

They refuse to just
leave me in peace
And their work
never seems to cease

I freeze in the sun's
beaming light
Yet burn with heat
at the beginning of night

I fight each day
to stay awake
The nightmares make
death seem easier to take

So I remain tired and beat
My misery is their treat
I can't rise from this seat
Giving up I admit defeat

© LaDonna Michelle💛