

Report Cards ...Math Grades Gone Wrong
As kids, one of the scariest moments in our lives is when our parents look at our school grades. We have all experienced this once in our lives and I am still experiencing it in High School. As a little kid and now young adult the problem I have most in school is math. It's needed so much in our everyday lives and I just fell to understand it.
I ask for help I watch tutorials and still that grade has never gone higher than a D. My parents always tell me that math is the most important subject in school thinking that will make me do better but it doesn't. Everytime my report card comes in the mail right next to subject math your either seeing a D or a F.
Maybe one day I'll better understand the world's most needed school advice...but right now I'll keep taking it day by day. Maybe if it's not to late I can atlease bring home a C+. If that won't make my parents happy atlease it will make me happy!
© Kay Inspired