

I am someone with numerous experiences, experiences that gut your soul out.
No, this is not about some poetic love story that changed me,
This is about myself and my own weird world,
I was created with the sole purpose to destroy,
Destroy what you ask? Destroy every emotion in people’s minds.
Who were they? Some were close, some distant.
Some cruel, some kind, some deserving, some not.
Yet I butchered their emotions and made them my puppets.
Manipulating their every action with the strings made of the thin layer of their skin.
Why did I do it? Because I was bored.
That made others life hell and my heaven.
Clearly you think I am a psychopath, no I’m not I have my own emotions and I feel others too.
I just don’t care enough.
Yes, you can say I am not right in mind or I’m a murderer.
But I didn’t kill anyone except their will to live.
All the deaths that happened were their own choice.
I had the string you know, I wanted them to not fall.
I was holding them.
Then why did they die? Who knows, people without emotions are empty shells.
What I felt? Unpleasurable sadness, I guess.
What is my name you ask? I go by different names, some call me grief,
Some depression, some guilt, some despair.
Some accepted me, others despised me.
But nobody ever loved me.
No, it was more like, everyone hated me.
Constantly yearning out to the greater power that why did they have me on their pitiful shoulders.
But these so-called human beings never knew they were the ones who created me.
Maybe if they learn how to reverse the curse, they lay upon themselves,
They could best me. But they never learn, do they?
The constant agony, their screams, some might find it horrifying.
But they are just echoes of their own miserable heart.
When will the killing stop? I don’t know, ask my god.

© Suraj Rajvanshi