

The phrase I can see a galaxy in your eyes,
Is soo much of an understatement,
For they grant us the gift of sight,
Being able to traverse but more than that,
They are reflections of your soul,
The inner struggle inside, demons or angels,
They radiate what you truly feel on the inside,
You can hide your emotions, but you can't hide the pain from behind your eyes,
Or the ache in your heart and burn in your soul while you blankly stand there,
Or getting a smile from a person who has the eyes of a warrior, filled with tears,
Of a life riddled with misfortune, heartache and occasional happiness,
Yet ever opened wide and shinning bright, that to me is true happiness,
No matter what challenges life throws at you, never let it extinguish your flame entirely,
It may dim but never goes out, unless you force it,
For the struggles we face, shape us into the people we are today and that story is reflected behind our eyes !
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