

Embracing The Journey
I was afraid of being rejected,
A fragile heart, trembling in the silence,
Hiding behind walls of self-doubt,
Until I learned to never reject myself,
To cradle my spirit, to honor my essence,
Finding strength in the vulnerability of acceptance.

I was afraid of being abandoned,
The shadows whispering of loneliness,
Fearing the void of absence,
Until I learned to never abandon myself,
To stand as my own anchor,
Finding solace in the embrace of my soul.

I was afraid of the opinions of others,
Their judgments like daggers, sharp and unyielding,
Threatening to shatter my fragile dreams,
Until I learned that they held no more weight than my own,
That my voice, my truth, is a melody worth singing,
A symphony born from the depths of my heart.

I was afraid of painful endings,
The ache of goodbyes lingering in the air,
Haunted by the ghosts of what once was,
Until I realized that they were also new beginnings,
The dawn breaking after a long, dark night,
Each farewell a chance to rise anew,
To blossom in the light of fresh opportunities.

I was afraid of appearing weak,
The world’s gaze heavy on my shoulders,
Expectations pressing down like a weight,
Until I realized how strong I truly was,
Resilience woven into the fabric of my being,
A quiet power that surged through my veins.

I was afraid of being seen as small and unimportant,
A whisper lost in the cacophony of existence,
Fading into the background of life’s grand stage,
Until I discovered my true power and potential,
The roar of my spirit echoing through the void,
A force of nature, fierce and undeniable.

I was afraid of being perceived as ugly,
The mirror reflecting insecurities,
Each flaw magnified, each blemish a burden,
Until I learned to fully appreciate my own beauty,
To see the artistry in my imperfections,
To recognize that true beauty lies in authenticity.

I was afraid of failure,
A specter looming over my aspirations,
Each misstep a reminder of my fragility,
Until I learned that it was an illusion,
When viewed through the eyes of love, growth, and learning,
Each stumble a stepping stone, each scar a story.

I was afraid of feeling low,
The depths of despair threatening to swallow me whole,
The darkness whispering lies of hopelessness,
Until I learned that it was the birthplace of brilliance,
And where my greatest transformation occurred,
Emerging from the ashes, a phoenix reborn.

I was afraid of change,
The winds of uncertainty howling in my ears,
Clinging to the familiar like a lifeline,
Until I realized it was an inevitable part of life,
In a world filled with things temporary and fleeting,
Embracing the flow, dancing with the tides of time.

I was afraid of being alone,
The silence echoing louder than my thoughts,
Feeling like a ship adrift in a vast sea,
Until I learned to fully embrace and appreciate my own company,
Finding joy in solitude, a sanctuary of self-love,
A quiet celebration of the heart’s inner world.

I was afraid of my uniqueness,
The fear of standing out in a crowd,
Wishing to blend in, to be just another face,
Until I learned that it was where my greatness lay,
The colors of my spirit vibrant and bold,
A masterpiece painted with the brush of individuality.

I was afraid of the darkness,
The unknown lurking like a shadow,
A chilling fear that gripped my very being,
Until I remembered that I was the light,
A beacon shining through the murkiness,
Illuminating the path with my unwavering glow.

And I was afraid of life,
The chaos, the beauty, the unpredictability,
Overwhelmed by the weight of existence,
Until I remembered who I truly was,
A soul on a journey, ever-evolving,
A tapestry woven with dreams and desires,
Fear transformed into courage,
As I embraced the dance of life,
In all its vibrant, messy, glorious splendor.

© etechnocrats