

What You Have
I’ve never seen nobody
with a face as nice as yours
you might not be the prettiest
but you are in my world
cause no matter what you say
and no matter what you do
I’ll always find a way to
compare myself to you
and no this is not a love song
but it might as well be just as much
cause just the thought of you makes me sick
I’d love to see what’d come from a touch
and I’d love to see your pictures
hanging on my bedroom wall
cause it’d bring me closer to him
even if the distance is small
your looks aren’t all that ache me
it’s your heart and your two’s past
cause maybe someday your looks will fade
but honey what you have will always last
maybe one day I’ll find somebody
who’ll come close to what you have
but I’m afraid there’s no one out there
so I’ll be lucky with so much as half

© graphnic.cj