

I am not old
My eyes are fine,I have no sight-this printing letters are small
My ears are fine-talk loudly?Why are you whispering in yourself
My hair is not white-are you blind?
My body is not shivering-the climate is cold

My teeth are very strong-If you dont know how to cook,learn from me
In reality,I am looking younger than you
See my bones are very strong like that Iron rod
My hand stick is used to look tall(You know that so many think I am in youth)

I am not repeating the same matter again and again-I think so you have a problem,go and check?
Look I am strong as that tower
You know that,I have a good memory power-I want to ask you one thing: WHO ARE YOU?

These are the words spoken by some of the old people.I think so,old people are very good at history because they prolong the same matter hours and hours.If we say anything,reverse attack starts from them😂

(This poem is not to offend any old people.This is only for fun)

© Teju