

To witness as the humanity sprouts ...

The tricolour unfurls in all its glory,
Dancing on the free winds,
Of a blue sky offering a magical ambience!
Forming the ebbs and tides,
Of several manifolds,
That ripples through the wrinkled unfurls!
Besides being tricoloured,
The ripples along its vertical section,
Makes a perfect trio!
As the trio unfolds,
With the successive hits of waves,
The ripples progresses through the centre!
With the folds meddling near the centre,
Blooming of the wheel of 24 spokes,
Getting unveiled gradually!

The wheel is steered back and forth,
To drive the nation,
With the hits of each new wave!
That drives the passion,
Of the people of the Nation,
In the path of truth and loyalty!
The Saffron nourishes the mankind,
With the core Values,
Thriving for the blooming of the mankind!
The White symbolizing Peace,
That drives the motives of the country,
For cultivating the model of unity in diversity!
The Green painting the values in the fresh minds,
On the young minds of the next generation kids,
The pillars of the future India!

The waving flag resembles,
The threads emerging and encircling,
In the spinning wheel or the Chakra!
Imprinting the rules or dharmas,
In the younger minds of the future India,
An influential driving force of the nation!
In the hands of the honourable,
Father of our Nation,
Lies the great Spinning wheel!
That he weaves carefully,
To unfold the mysteries of the Nation,
To educate the fresh thought of patriotism!
The thoughts that needs to be planted,
In the future minds, all of which,
Expecting to witness as the humanity sprouts!


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