

The wisdom of life ✨

Life is a journey with twists and turns,
A path that often leaves us yearning to learn. For every moment, there's a lesson to be found,
A precious gem, waiting to be unbound.

Life is a gift, it's not meant to be wasted, Make the most of it, before it's tasted.
Chase your dreams, don't let them fade away,
For tomorrow is not promised, it's only today.

Life is a puzzle, each piece a clue,
It's up to us to find what's true.
Embrace the challenges, they're meant to teach,
For they will lead us to the answers we seek.

Life is a journey, let it inspire,
To live in the moment, to reach higher.
To find purpose, to make a difference,
For that's what truly gives life its significance.

Take what life has to offer,
And cherish every moment, even the harder. In the end, it's not how long we've lived,
But how we've touched others, that will truly be remembered.

© K. I. L. 🌺