

Fade Away
As the years fade away, like a distant memory
I am left with remnants of moments
that once defined me.
Time slips through my fingers like sand,
leaving only traces of who I used to be.

The laughter of youth echoes in my mind,
a melody of innocence and joy.
But now, in the silence of solitude,
I am haunted by the ghosts of days gone by.

Faces and places blur together,
melding into a tapestry of forgotten dreams.
I grasp at the threads, trying to hold on
to the fragments of a life that once was.

The colors of my past slowly fade,
bleeding into shades of grey.
But in the darkness, a glimmer of light
shines through, illuminating the path ahead.

As the years fade away, I am reborn,
emerging from the ashes of my former self.
I embrace the unknown with open arms,
ready to face whatever lies ahead.

Though time may march on relentlessly,
I will not be left behind.
For as the years fade away,
I will rise, renewed and reborn.
© w.Castleman