

I'm understanding better,
I've had misconception of you

Who I express you to be isn't you at all
I've been beaten severely not realizing your true identity

I've fallen down the ladder of grace
With the misconceptions of you

If only I had worn you with submission
Journey of success would have been smooth

Life isn't hard with you in the right crowd
It's not holding you that dispel helping hands to success

I had failed, why?
Because wisdom of you escaped me!
It made me responsible for my scars, an half truth that scares me most

'The chief among you has to be servant to all'
Jesus alludes to you with this saying

A man from grass can only rise to grace with you

Ah!!! Oh!!!
When life struggles dumb you into a fool
And make you miss life's graces

I've known you now
You are indispensable!
For me to move forward I have to be dressed in you

(I cry)
Because I've missed so much not in you and by you

Hope still liveth for me
Cause I've known you better
And I'm relieved 'cause
Progressive days lie ahead

My Best Part

Easier days are my lots as
I choose to journey with you

I'm blissful,
Life is getting sweeter and lovelier

I'm glad I'm getting to know you bit by bit
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