

important lessons
Is he abusing you
what type is your abuse
do he call you names tell you you're dumb,
tell you you're fat or ugly what is your abuse
do he go out without you to be with others
are you someone important to them
or are you just a punching bag.

Do they say ugly things then say it's just a joke
it's not tho they're not kidding right
that is how really feel
why you making excuses you know the truth

is it pinches that they are doing to hurt you on the
sly are are farting in you present to disrespect you in your space.
is it games that they are playing to get away from you to play with a lover you're just in the way.

their abuse will turn your heart cold
to make others you abuse others too for fear of them you take it
do they sleep away from you the sofa another room
you don't understand why they treat you so bad
it's because you're not wanted
they want to be with someone else
Don't kid yourself if you're being abuse
it's from hate not love.

© writer