

The Enchantress of Avalon
To the heavens I am indebted to a muse
To the earth I am indebted to a mother
Where my soul and the great divine infuse
Staring in the great vold scribbling the path of light transcending beyond the yonder
In the matrix of appearance and deception oh heaven that path obliterate
Like a child knowest not oh muse educate
Where the God innate and transcended meet even in sheer pain life becomes Avalon
Though the void is gargoyle in sight, it shakes me not for I and the tides are even though the night is dark as hell, I fear not for I am in the hands of the king of Heaven who doth me worthy to be in the pavilions and abode of the Enchantress of Avalon
Who is my love the fairest of all lovers and she is overall
My Muse, My mother and the greatest gift of all

My mother nothing less than a knight always shinning
She is the white knight always radiant as the sun
For who could love the moon having first seeing the sun
Her love is as constant as the northern star
Even in the abyss of despair and darkness
A touch from her light vanquishes all gloom
The Enchantress of Avalon, thou art the morning and the evening star
For my mother's love is the mysterious consciousness that defies even reason

For she is a loud Guardian
The Omnipresent protector
The White knight
To be continued
- Goodlive Ukeseme Godfrey