

twin flames
Twin flames, two souls intertwined
Connected by a bond divine
A connection that's beyond this world
A journey that's yet to unfurl
Two halves of a whole, two flames ablaze
In a union of love, in a mystical haze
They dance in perfect rhythm and flow
A spiritual bond that forever grows
Destined to meet, in this lifetime or next
Their souls drawn together, by a cosmic vortex
No distance can keep them apart
For their love transcends all human art
They see themselves in each other's eyes
Two mirrors that reflect, with no disguise
They bring out the best, in one another
A bond like no other, a love without bother
They share a connection, that's beyond this realm
A love so pure, it overwhelms
Their hearts beat as one, in perfect harmony
A bond that's bound by destiny
They may be apart, but their souls are one
A connection that's felt, even in the absence of sun
For their love is not limited by space or time
It's a love that's eternal, a love that's divine
Twin flames, a love that's meant to be
A connection that's blessed, by the powers that be
Their journey together, a path of growth and healing
A spiritual awakening, a love worth revealing
So let the flames burn bright, let the spirits ignite
As twin flames join, in a dance of light
For their connection is a reminder, of love's true form
A union of souls, in a love that's warm.
© ladyjacquelineprincess