

I'm different woman now 🌹
I'm a different woman now,
The one you once knew has taken her final bow.
I've shed my old skin and let go of my past,
Embracing new beginnings, I'm free at last.

My heart has grown bolder, my spirit unchained,
I'm not the same person, I've evolved and changed.
The world is my playground, I'm ready to soar,
My soul's on fire, I'm ready for more.

I may look the same, but don't be fooled,
Inside I'm transformed, my soul renewed.
I've learned to love myself and accept my flaws,
I'm a different woman now, with new laws.

If you see me and wonder who I am,
Just smile and know that I'm a better version of myself.
It's all part of my journey, my story to tell,
I'm a different woman now,
and I wear it well. ☀️

© K. I. L. 💞