

So Much To Discover
In a big world, lots to see,
Endless places, for you and me.
Under the sky, so wide and free,
Many things waiting, just let it be.

In the wind's soft sigh, secrets might be,
Tales untold, come along and see.
Through valleys low, and mountains high,
Exploring the world, reaching for the sky.

Beneath the sea, creatures swim free,
In a world of wonder, where you can be.
In books you read, new worlds you'll see,
A whole universe, just for you and me.

In someone's eyes, feelings we see,
Making connections, happy and free.
In moments shared, memories will be,
So much to find, just wait and see.

In life's canvas, dreams to decree,
With every stroke, imagination's spree.
Each day a chance, so come with glee,
In this grand adventure, so much to be.