

lift Ur Feet
The sprit of life may be incomplete.
But dont repeat.
Just go forward.
Don't lose control,
over ur soul.
U must take control,
because no one can change it,
no one has the remote.
Just turn it on,
keep going forward.
Dont trun around,
or back down.
We must find what were looking for.
For God created us.
So we gotta find happiness,
for thats what he created us.
Whats inside cannot die or hide.
The feelings we have.
Dont hide what makes u happy.
What really matters,
dont miss out what life has to offer.
So today love urself even if ur by urself, and feel like a mess.
To make change,
To make ur life complete.
U must get up and move ur feet.
Even tho it might get deep.
But just move ur feet,
To the sound of ur own beat.
So dont repeat,
or give in to defeat,
or u will be beat.
So move ur feet to ur own beat.
© Wilson's Best